Funding Options

Your care and support can be funded in a variety of ways. Many local authorities are now working directly with individuals to create personalised budgets so that it allows you to choose and control your support and be fully involved in decisions about the help you need to live independently.
To access a personal budget / direct payment a decision has to be made by your local social services as to the level of services required. They will then complete an assessment of your needs and tell you how much money you will receive to buy the care services and support you need. The amount you receive will be based on your eligible needs as set out as in the local authority's policy and for which it has a duty to support you.
At first you will be given an estimated budget so that you can develop a support plan with help from others as necessary, based around what matters to you and works for you. We welcome enquiries at this stage, we will work with you to develop a potential support plan and to see how our services can meet your needs within the scope of your estimated budget.
You are in control of your personal budget / direct payment as long as you spend the money in accordance with your plan, checks will be made by social services to ensure everything is working
We welcome direct contact from individuals, their families, their support network and brokerage services to advise you about direct payments and personalised budgets.
If you are not in receipt of a personal budget / direct payment we also welcome self funding clients who choose to fund their support through their own means. Again, we welcome you to contact us to discuss your requirements and to build a proposed support plan.
Each support package is planned and delivered with the individual to meet their needs and aspirations. All our services are truely bespoke and personalised, with individuals involved at every stage from the planning and recruitment to delivery and evaluation.
If you would like to speak with us about your specific circumstances please contact us on 01733 391212
For an easy read guide by the Department of Health, please click here
Paying for your care invoices by Direct Debit
You may elect to pay for your care invoices by Direct Debit directly from your bank account. You will receive a copy of your care invoice with the funds being debited from your account 10 days from the invoice date. This allows time for you to check your invoice and notify us of any queries, but ensures your invoice is settled quickly and without fuss.
To sign up to our Direct Debit scheme please ask our admin team click here